Gang Show Quiz Night

Join us for a Quiz Night at Robbies in Riccarton to raise funds for Christchurch Gang Show 2024.

Arrive from 6.30pm ready to go when the quiz starts at 7pm. 

This is a night of fun and trivia. Sign up for a team of your colleagues, friends and whanau. 4 – 6 people per team for $90.00.

Teams must have at least one member who is 18 years or older.

If you do not have a team we would love you to join us, please purchase an individual ticket for $15.  We will find a team for you to join on a night.

On the night, team leaders bring your ticket – on your phone or printed.

In addition to bragging rights there are prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and second to last.

Bring cash on the night…

Increase your chance of winning with guaranteed answer stickers. $10 for 5 stickers, maximum of 10 stickers per team, and maximum of 2 stickers per round.

You will have a chance to win great prizes in the raffle drawn on the night.  $2 per ticket or $5 for 3 tickets and $10 for 7 tickets.

Will rely on your Scout and Guide honour to not use cell phones to help with quiz answers.

Some car parking is available behind Robbies.

Food and drinks may be ordered at the bar.

Thank you for your support!